기독교인 대 무슬림의 기본 믿음 비교

믿는 대상


성신(Holy Spirit)














기독교인들의 믿음

신은하나의신으로통합되는셋이다. 이한명의신은소위삼위일체라불린다. 그러나신이셋이라고언급하는것은 최악의신성모독이라할수있다. 삼위일체의각신들은모두동등하며, 똑같이영원하고, 같은존재이다. 이러한이유로이교리는 하나의 “신비”로써설명된다. 

삼위일체의두번째신으로, 삼위일체첫번째 신의아들이자동시에모든면에서 “완전한”신이다.

삼위일체의세번째신이나, 또한모든면에서 “완전한신”이다.

정결하고신앙심깊은여인으로삼위일체의둘째신이자모든면에서 “완전한”전지전능한신인예수를낳았다.

신과 “함께 하는” 신의일부분이지만, 또한 “완전한”신으로, 신의아들인예수가되었다.

모두받아들여지며, 존경받고, 이들을믿는다.


다양한믿음들이산재한다. 어떤이들은그가거짓말쟁이라고여기며, 어떤이들은그를미치광이, 어떤이들은그를가짜메시아, 또 다른이들은그가악마에의해기만당했다고믿는다.

성경의복사본이라는믿음에서무하마드(평화가그분에게깃들기를)자신이쓴책이라는것까지다양한믿음이산재한다. 또어떤이는무하마드와공모한기독교인과유태인들의작품으로믿기도한다. 

신에의해보내진예수는아담의죄로부터전인류를구원하기위해십자가에못 박혔다. 그의희생없이는전인류는아담의죄로 파멸되는운명을맞이할수도있었다. 그의십자가죽음이후 인류에게주어진것은선행없이믿음만갖기만하면되는 것이다. 

모두받아들여진다. 예수는이기적들모두를이루어냈다. 그가신의아들이며, 또한동시에 “완벽한”신이며신의 “화신”이기때문이다. 

예수는유태인들에게넘겨졌다. 유태인들을그에게침을뱉고, 그의몸에상처내고, 굴욕을주며, 발길지라고, 결국십자가에못박았다. 예수는아주천천히고통스럽게죽었다.

받아들여진다. 원래는처음의예수의제자들생애동안일어나리라기대되어졌으나, 후에많은다른예언들이있었고, 여전히언제라도그의도래가기대되어지고있다. 현재예수는세기말(2000C. E)무렵에도래할것이라기대된다.

전인류는아담의죄를안고태어난다. 오직신의죄없는자손의죽음만이이원죄를제거할 수있다. 오직하루만을산사람이라할지라도깨끗하게태어나지않는다. 오직예수의죽음으로, 세례와신앙심만이원죄의운명으로부터인류를구원할수있다.

아담의죄는너무나큰것이었으며신은단순하게그죄를용서해주시지 않았다. 오히려아담의죄를용서하는데는죄없는순수한신, 또한 “완전한”신이기도한예수의피를필요로했다. 

물려받은아담의죄에대한예수의속죄를믿는다면, 구원받을수있다. 오직신앙심만이필요할뿐이다. 선행이필수적이지는않다.

무슬림들의 믿음

신은오직한분이며가장기본적이고단순하며기초적인단어이다. 그분은자식이나부모가없으며, 어느것과도동등하지않으시다. 이슬람에서신은 “알라”, “가장자비로우신분”, “가장자애로우신분”, “전지전능하신분”등 99가지의다른이름으로 불려진다.

신의사도중의한명으로올바르고매우높이평가된다. 무슬림이이를믿지않는다면, 그를무슬림이라부를수 없다. 

이는천사가브리엘을가리킨다. 천사가브리엘은매우 “신뢰할수있는“천사로평가된다. 

정결하고신앙심깊은여인으로세상의모든여인들중에서선택되어깨끗해졌으며, 신의명으로아버지없이올바른선지자예수를낳았다.

신의말씀 “있어라!”는마리아가어느남성없이도예수를잉태하게하였다.

모두받아들여지며, 존경받고, 이들을믿는다.

무슬림들은모세에게내려진구약성서, 다비드에게내려진시편, 예수에게내려진신약성서와, 무하마드에게내려진꾸란을비롯하여이전의예언자들에게주어진전성서의존재를 믿는다. 그러나무슬림들은이전의성서들이인간의손으로수정되어왔다고믿으며, 성경은오직꾸란에의해확증되는부분만옳다고 받아들여지며꾸란의절과확연히상반되는내용들은인간의쓴것으로믿는다. 

전인류에게보내진신의마지막사도이다. 그가신의첫계시를 받기전에는 “진실 되며, 신뢰가깊은사람”으로알려져있었다. 그는모든생명체에내려진신의자비로써보내졌다. 그는한명의인간이지만그의일생동안신의 뜻으로여러기적을행했다. 

신이인류에게보내주신마지막성서다. 꾸란은신에의하여인간손의개입으로부터보호되어그특별한지위를 갖는다. 꾸란의문학적위치는어느곳에서도그비등함을찾을수 없다. 오늘날까지아랍어로쓰인어떤위대한작품이라해도꾸란에견줄 수는없다. 꾸란은모든인류를위한하나의 지도서로심판의날까지인간의개입으로부터안전히보전될것이다. 

예수는신에의해유태인들에게내려진한명의사도이며모세의순수하고진실된 종교로그들을되돌리며, 고대유태인들에게가해졌던규범들의일부를덜어주기위해보내졌다. 예수는유태인들에게믿음뿐만아니라선행도행해야한다고가르쳤다. 이둘중어느 하나라도빠져서는안된다.

모두받아들여진다. 이기적들은신의뜻으로행해졌다. 마치모세나노아, 고대의다른예언자들이신의뜻에의해기적을행했던것과 마찬가지이다.

예수는유태인들에게학대당하고살해되도록저버려지지않았다. 단지사람들에게그런것처럼보이게꾸며졌을뿐이다. 신은예수를그분가까이로끌어올려십자가죽음으로부터그를구원했다.

받아들여진다. 예수는죽지않고, 신에의해 승천했다. 그는심판의날직전에지구에내려와 “가짜메시아”를죽이고, 평화와정의를설립할것이다. 예수는돼지를죽이고, 십자가를부수며, 전인류를이슬람으로초대할것이다.

원죄따위는없다. 인류는신에의해창조되었다. 인간이신에게불복하고그분의자비를거절하는경우를제외하고는모두천국으로가도록운명지어졌다. 신은인간의죄가하늘의높은곳을전부채울 수있을정도로엄청난것이라해도쉽게 그죄를용서해주신다. 그러한문제는그분에게는너무나간단한것이다. 그분은이미우리가보고듣고상상할수있는 모든것들을창조하셨고그이상의일들을이루셨기때문이다. 그분은그분의자비와용서를그분의피조물들에게베푸시기를좋아하며, 가장사소한행위에도가장 커다란보상을주신다. 신의보상을받기위해서는신앙심뿐만아니라선행도행해야한다.

아담은그의죄에대해다음과같이말하며속죄했다. “나의주님이시여, 나는죄를지었고, 당신께서나를용서하지않으시고자비를베풀어주시지않으신다면, 나는죄인중의한사람이될것입니다.”신은아담을용서해주셨다. 이와마찬가지로, 인간이라면모두그가죽는날까지신에의해 용서의문이열려있다. 인간과신사이에는어떤중재자도있을수없다. 사람들이신에게진심으로회개하고, 그분의용서를구하며, 그들의마지막시간이오기전까지사악한행동들을멀리한다면, 그분이그들을용서해주시는것은물론이다. 진심으로잘못을뉘우치는사람의죄를용서해주는것만큼그분이좋아하시는것은없다.

신을믿고그분의사도들을믿고, 그분의명에복종한다면, 그분은사람들이행하는조그마한선행을몇배로늘려주시며, 그들의사악한행동을없애주신다. 심판의날까지그분의자비는사람들의선행이사악한행동을 압도하도록이끌어주시며, 천국과기쁨으로이르는길을열어주신다. 천국은상상을뛰어넘는훌륭한곳으로영원히그곳에서거주하게된다. 사후에그곳에서는선행은더이상필요없고오직보상만이있을 뿐이다.

Groups of Jesus after the (peace are the gitdeulgi him) gone, how is that most of the fundamental faith of today's Christians Will the newly inserted into the human hand over his message, (God's will) in history and the words of the Bible the most prominent conservative Jew Revealing through its scholars and literature. Jesus (peace to gitdeulgi him) himself did not engage in any work with them Christians. Basic beliefs of Christians include:

◆ Trinity

◆ elaborate on the `wave 'perspective of the latter, he claims that Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) is the son of God

◆ from the time of Adam, mankind is born with original sin ''

◆ `Atonement ', or the true cross to wash away the sin of Adam death of Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi)

◆ God incarnate in a human form appeared, that Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi)

  True Message of Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) is embodied in the following:

◆ God is the only one. He can not be divided in any form, and you do not have a partner.

◆ He is you do not leave the child or parent. One minutes, except that does not exist any other god.

◆ Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) is a human one. He is not God, God is merely the apostle chosen one.

◆ God someone even said you do not take responsibility for the sins of others, it is also not let us minutes to sacrifice others in order to forgive the sins of the people.

◆ God is you do not prefer either one, such as a particular race or skin color, country, particularly blood. It is distinguished from the others in order to lift the eyes of God it is only necessary that only personal conduct and worship.

◆ divine justice is to deny that any human being to bear on behalf of the sins of others.

◆ God is merciful forgiveness and gives bepuleo Shea, it does not require any compensation or reward.

◆ it is necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven is faith and good works. Leading Chinese Language faith and feel one should not even fall.

  Muslims are taught and gave his apostles sent beginning with Adam (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) all tribes and nations of the earth above God through generations. Adam (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) is the first prophet of the first ancestors of mankind is he naerisin. Every time, god After making the apostles died, after a few generations, people have again fall into their evil behavior, God lends more fully reophi the original message bestowed upon them. When God's message was in danger to be completely forgotten by these people, He was taken to new Apostle again among the people to preach to those who received the original message did not make him dirty. While some people were listened to part ignored them. But the message was always get anyone who wants it. In this way, God is haejusyeot ensure that all mankind may encounter the true religion of the time, where he lived between. It is whether or not there is now possible to obtain the message is left to the people themselves.  

Furthermore, Muslims are taught that all the apostles were sent only to their own people. After that God's message is adjusted to be suitable to those. Thus, the basic message is the same one for all the apostles: that is, "God is one minutes Emilion. Only then it is that the only worship only him. " However, each of the specific details of how people worship the way they were set depending on the degree of swing of life and knowledge. This is also true for Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi). Only Jesus was sent specifically to the Jews. This will prove that now stem from one of the early people of the territory lost to the root cause of his word immediately after Jesus was trying to tell the people that this was not intended to be taught, teaching the word of Jesus. That was not even the word to learn jeukgeu people are just non-Jews. Non-Jews were sandwiched the end of their own faith in various different Jesus' message, which has resulted ll eventually lose the message of Jesus.  

The religion of Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) from its original teachings Find out how the transition came to me and parted from each other.  

◆ has been trying to tell Jesus (peace be gitdeulgi to him), the Prophet Moses and the previous (peace to the gitdeulgi They) are taught how religious Jews deteriorated.

Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) is urged to return to the true religion of God issued to the previous prophets to the Jews. Moses, and Jesus himself (peace be to him a gitdeulgi), one of the religious steady everything went strictly observed. He fasted in a way that is fast, Moses (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) worshiped God worshiped in a way that Moses (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) trail. Another pork did not taste one point, believed to be circumcised himself was circumcised, observe the Sabbath and never violated. He kept two aunts until the cross. According to the Bible, only until cruciferous Paul's welcome he appeared to sikyeotdago void the law through their ohdeon gosuhae life. In fact, the Bible testifies that Jesus had urged his followers to follow the religion of Moses (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) During Jesus' life. In addition, he warned his followers that Jesus had a low discard discard that even simple aspects of behavior that religion until the last minute there will be a severe eungbeol of God, the Bible testifies.

Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) will continue to keep out left the world, and his disciples also his religious teachings. Jesus' disciples, and followers of the religion of Moses (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) as accessible as Jesus did cloth (peace be to him a gitdeulgi), he commanded them. Jesus, people who followed Jesus for three 10years after leaving the (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) was limited to the conviction that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah promised to them. During this period they were the followers of Jesus told in the chapel and temple worship of the Jews, Moses was compliant with all without exception (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) everything of religion.

◆ Jesus shortly after leaving the (peace be to him a gitdeulgi), was named Saul, a Jew with some began to persecute the followers of Jesus by every means he knew. Reportedly admitted that he has, Saul tarnish the church, and that is the worst way in order to sweep the religion of Jesus from the human mind from the world. He had never personally met Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi).

◆ suddenly Saul had allegedly welcomed by Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi). Jesus' disciple Barnabas and Saul was new was accepted by the other apostles Barnabas too. Thereafter, Barnabas and Saul wandered to many places together, and now persecutor of Christians, Saul became notorious killers as transformed as one of the true converts.

◆ Now Saul, Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) doctor is also in contrast to Barnabas and roads. He decided decided to preach to non-Jews. He claimed that Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) reumyeo doctors are lazy, wrong way, missing a hypocrite. He insisted that they hear from Jesus 'apostles to lead to a state of ignorance of God in truth he was `welcome'. He has argued that not learn anything from the apostles, one word at all from his sermons inspired directly by God. Non-Jews who were living near them hate Jews. Therefore Saul realized that it is almost impossible to persuade to accept the Jewish faith to non-Jews. Judaism is a religion of Jesus was to devote his entire life according to the (peace be to him a gitdeulgi), also taught to follow until the last minute to let his apostles.

◆ In many parts of the Bible, Saul admits in order to convert the Jews had been the attitude to anything. He insisted that for him everything is legal. For this reason, Saul Pagan began to negotiate with non-Jews, it has simplified the religion of Jesus to look more appealing so they swing to be converted.

◆ Saul fought and ran out to continue the negotiations with a non-Jew, Jesus has transformed more closely with existing non-Jewish beliefs of the religion of (the peace gitdeulgi him). This was for their conversion. In the end, all one needs to Saul was only non-Jewish faith does not require prior. Saul had preached non-Jewish pagan worship were many sons of the "almighty god Jupiter or Zeus" gwageu other gods. Among them were two gods such as Attis, Adonis, Dionysus. Non-Jews believed that these pagan gods are dead because of their sins, the resurrection again. Now Saul had to explain that Jesus is not just one human Prophet (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) Son of God, taught that the "Son of God" welcomed death as a reward for all the sins of mankind. Therefore, immediately pagans could find considerable common ground that swings where they were believed previously. Now change the infidels were only a few titles. In this way, Saul other non-Jews and the Greeks succeeded in persuading to accept the "religion of Jesus." Unlike the Jews, the religion of the Greeks already "Trinity" and "Father God", "Son God", and to eat the "death of God" and God's resurrection, God's incarnation, salvation himself, and God's flesh, the divine blood it was because they believed that such a drink. This was not all concepts are completely new to the pagans. Saul was an outstanding leader of the Greeks, became known as "St. Paul."

◆ was "St. Paul" was written many more articles, it was given the growing number of converts.

◆ Once the number of Paul's converts characters beyond the number of apostles strictly followed people to the religion of Jesus (peace be the gitdeulgi him), they were slain, and persecuted the followers of the Apostles, it began burning fire their New Testament.

◆ Those who follow the "St. Paul" is their claims, that had to be proven in a such as "Son of God", "original sin" The Bible is born Jesus (peace be the gitdeulgi him) had to prove that there is associated with it . Maybe they could not prove. He hanbunman many passages of the Bible that God only exists, he has asserted mankind does not ask for the sins of others. Examples of these sections can be ordered until today to find (Isaiah 43: 10-11, Ezekiel 18: 19-20, Deuteronomy 24:16, etc.). Thus, they are similar to the one God and "Trinity" to the ancient Greeks, "trinity" of the Romans and, although they have three gods, but only felt the need to recognize that they can worship hanbunman. Was redefined with a new name tag "Trinity" in ancient Greek philosophy, it was also applied to the new doctrine of "three gods of bunjung" Your almighty God. Again, it was that they can not be proven through "Trinity" ranseong documents. So the church began to argue received a revelation from God to interpret their Bible, "Trinity" has now clearly lifted the figure. These "clear explanation" After the last century hermit was discovered by Christian scholars. Once they do, the evidence suggested that says that anytime, and their "clear explanation" yiseongseo inserted in and by whom. In the 20th century, the conservatives of being the most prominent Jewish biblical scholars John 32 also receives the support of 5 to 50 sects Union: declaration by inserting a malformed verse 7 by the church and had to remove them from the Bible. Operating several places in the Bible verse by them were found.

◆ Anno Domini during the first four centuries, Christianity has been divided into many sects and beliefs are countless. The degree of legitimacy has also appeared that many different New Testament. I fought with all their sects under one and each of them claiming that only owns the "true" religion and the "real" Jesus of the New Testament. Denominations in order to seize the advantage against other sects books, and eventually competed with the support of naeneunde, pagan Rome to silence the different sects together.

◆ 4th century Anno Domini, "trinity" of followers had succeeded in obtaining the assistance of the pagan Roman Empire. Apostle of their "heretical", and borrowed the power of the pagan nations to eliminate "irreverent" followers ". Later they spread out a "pre-Inquisition" for "converting" followers of Jesus.

◆ "Trinity" Faith was forced hagodo as the only true religion of Jesus right (peace be to him a gitdeulgi). Paul's writings gathered, occupies a large part of today's New Testament. Apostolic writings were burned. Their book is invariably a nametag that was sweetened "does not fit in the canon." The Bible is our list of "who truly revealing," which has now been formally recognized by the Anno Domini 367 years jinaseoya. Christians differed in many respects can carry with the Bible and "The Bible" today we see for the first three hundred years. For a period of three centuries Trinity adherents are ilcheseol "was aware" to those who received revelation from God that all the books were considered during the first century Anno Domini is true is false does not meet all of the canon. He hid the original writings of the apostles and known people were sentenced to the stake along with their books. Paul's followers were pocket copies of the New Testament in the hands of the apostles. Paul's followers were spurred a lot of modifications of the doctrine transcribed it wrote there again. Paul's followers, the apostles argued wrote it. These books have been claims that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Revisions to these books, but they continue to be published for several centuries after centuries, is again Christian scholars known author wrote a book that will put the evidence actually did not write the book.

◆ general public believe in Christianity are learned so that it falls back to the era to understand this Bible from the church, never two. Thus the Church has need to match their own date for the purpose of the Bible. People who want to learn what the Bible says must go to church to ask should see its meaning. The church is a mix of inspiration from God and verses of the Bible gives answers that they want to know.

◆ After 600 years after Jesus left, was born Muhammad (peace be to him a gitdeulgi). He I, Abraham ancestor of Ishmael, Arabs handed down to them from (the peace gitdeulgi him) and the Arabs followed the religion of (the peace gitdeulgi him), Ishmael (peace be the gitdeulgi him) Abraham (peace the chairman of the South gitdeulgi him). By the age of 40-year-old Muhammad, God sent down the angel Gabriel taught His last message, the message of Islam. God "s people in the Bible," this example, we can go to Muhammad and to distort the religion of (the peace gitdeulgi him), and finally said ditches changed the religion of submission to the monotheistic religions to worship many gods receive. Muhammad was told that he would be the last apostle, his message will toward all mankind, including the Jews and Christians.

◆ Jews and Christians have been deceived by the claims that Muhammad (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) a liar, a lunatic, or demon, or a false prophet. They claim that Muhammad copied the Bible is to cultivate a letter (peace be to him a gitdeulgi). As if the majority of the Jews of Jesus' claim that a true prophet sent by God (peace be to him a gitdeulgi), many Jews and Christians do not believe in Muhammad (peace be to him a gitdeulgi).

◆ Muhammad (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) died. Trinity Christian believers are left to speak against the "Trinity", or about the contradictions of the Bible, continue to struggle openly. They beolinda the "Inquisition" to remove people who believe in God one minutes (only). If finally only chance was slaughtering Jews. The death of these Inquisition continued doedaga finally reached the entire country to receive a death sentence. 1568 Trinity Church is one seongchik of any note was catapulted on executions for men and women and children of three million people in the Netherlands as heretics. Eventually more than 1 002 million people who have been subjected to "Inquisition" uigwon down the death penalty.

◆ The church is losing its power to scientists, was pushed into a dark corner. Without regard to the threat of death, a large number of Christian scholars have compiled a number of books and showing a lot of evidence and examples applied to the temples and modification that contradicts the Bible. Relied on the Church and the faith of people in existing power and increase the livelihood depends has set all kinds of excuses. They say they have the faith of their followers are blind. They then persuaded that I could interpret the Bible without the inspiration and interpretation of sacred church to their followers. The church should stand him not be stood truly have said with the mouth that God let (peace be the gitdeulgi him), Moses all his words are ttareuja the religion of the (peace are the gitdeulgi him) it has been accepted as a "literal" , says he totally look the opposite of "hidden" meaning and significance of Jesus clearly visible that by (peace be to him a gitdeulgi). But only the church says Jesus can not explain what the (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) Gamal a hidden meaning.

◆ Jesus had lifted their copy of the original appearance of the road (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) New Testament doctors. Christian also, a copy hidden in various places within the Vatican were found. These New Testament (for example, "Barnabas of the New Testament") should affirm the teachings of the Quran. A copy of the New Testament were beorigon strangely hidden traces. They are sweet, such as a tag called New Testament lies written by a fake tree slim. For almost 45 years, copies are concentrated in Israel were not disclosed for the public. When finally forced to disclose when they had a huge discovery. One copy of the Bible will certainly support the Quran too! The copy was prophesied the coming of the Messiah two people rather than one. Two copies argues that the Messiah be said by the prophet of doomsday. Two straight prophecy will be shown too clearly throughout the document. The document asserts that the Messiah will first mortal born of being betrayed by it by the name of one of his followers. The Chinese also say the Messiah would be betrayed to occupy the place of the Messiah. This document does not specifically mention the Messiah would bakhiji. The Dead Sea Scrolls have shown that too many parts that match the teachings of the Quran. However, it all is clearly explained by the sentence rather than an abstract sense. The fact is that we hear does not mean that they were expecting two other Jewish Messiah Jesus, who lived 100 years before the birth of (author of Dead Sea Scrolls), they were waiting for the two Messiah. Rather, they must have been waiting for was the Messiah hanmyeongui with two different personalities. Thus, we are told that Jesus would mean to both GABA (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) that two of the Messiah. On the other hand, Jews are not mine pointed to the two prophecies organization in the past or will mention future events, none of Jesus (peace be the gitdeulgi him) of them or or Muhammad (peace be the gitdeulgi him).  

Muslims have when God created man, he learns he gave the "options" to humans. Muslims are dying man lived his life like an animal believes that just as in the movie may disappear. Muslims also believe that the people would stand responsible for his actions so ask. If people If we accept that responsibility, there is the potential rewards that are really huge. Eungbeol that the potential is also enormous.  

By accepting the responsibility that was given to these people's freedom. God is given to human freedom no matter whether human or own worship him so he can choose either to disobey him. As God's infinite mercy, He gave off a lot of things that can lead humanity to His straight path and infinite rewards. First, He sent the apostles. In this way, even if mankind is however defile His religion for those who seek His religion has given it so that it could come into contact with the hand.  

The difference, the intellect He has given to mankind. It has to be able to distinguish between right and wrong as the intelligence of the people with intelligence. Given that some ten thousand and one who worshiped fire, We can not hear the prayers of those who worship fire, it is well aware that you can not answer their call. Then they fire worshipers give spiritual meaning to the people in their worship and how many miracles and brought the fire lit hear their prayers, it describes how much light will love them. However, the intelligence of the people will not believe these stories kkumyeon Dan.

  Finally, God gave us the innate sense to humans, which is called in Arabic "Fitrah" (instinct). "Fitrah" is a small voice within us, lets say, "It does not seem right." When we first tried to kill someone costs a gun, must win fight with the "Fitrah" they say that murder is wrong. Similarly, human beings are all born naturally aware of the fact that "God is one." In order to believe they are not a god one minutes long battle with themselves and continue to be persuaded by others around them. this is the people, futon, stone, with the worship of things idol, many gods and other ways. when people grow, despite their "fitrah" and this form of worship were enforced.  

This specification is to go back to the argument of the first apostles. We will continue to history dates back backwards, starting with "Trinity" research. We are also not aware of any basis for the "Trinity", the Bible. Once the certificate because it is not "Trinity" subscription, we will continue to study how each one will let them manipulate the faith. It says until we fully return to the original teachings of Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi). Explain this in Chapter 1, and after that I will prove that Muhammad (the peace of His gitdeulgi) Jesus (peace be to him a gitdeulgi) and those predicted by previous prophets. This is proven in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago. I pray for your help dill expensive.  

NOTE: The above is an excerpt from the book "What Did Jesus Really Say (What did Jesus really say what"